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Producer: Vinos Ambiz


Grape:  Albillo Real 


Many varieties go by the name ‘Albillo’ across much of Spain, meaning it's a hot mess of genetic diversity to untangle. Such as it goes for a broadly definitive word like Alba of which the name derives, meaning ‘white’. That, and it has been around since at least the 15th century. 


Regarding Albillo Real, there are approximately 400 hectares, primarily in Ávila, Madrid and Ribera del Duero, as best can be determined. This variety is vigorous and sprawling, but it has limited yields, requiring careful pruning. Albillo Real bears fruit earlier than many other plants, making it more susceptible to birds. It is generally hardy against pests, diseases, and drought but sensitive to frost. When managed properly, its wine can be aromatic, balanced, and deep golden in colour. It is best harvested when the potential alcohol content is between 13-13.5%. At lower levels, the wines can taste neutral; at higher levels, they lose acidity and balance. The most successful plantings are located at higher elevations in sandier granitic soils. Maintaining this variety is a chore, making the good wines produced from it, such as those by Vinos Ambiz, particularly special.


Place: Sierra de Gredos, Spain

Alba, Vinos Ambiz 2021

€ 20,00Price
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